Paramore Wiki
Tour Dates

Here is a list of all the times "Temporary" has ever been played.


Currently "Temporary" has been played 2 times.


Date City Country
January 31, 2006 Orangevale United States
February 15, 2006 Detroit United States
Riot! (Album)


Songs For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty OptimisticThat's What You GetHallelujahMisery BusinessWhen It RainsLet the Flames BeginMiracleCrushcrushcrushWe Are BrokenFencesBorn for This
Bonus Tracks When It Rains (Demo Version)Misery Business (Acoustic)TemporaryDecoyMy HeroStop This Song (Lovesick Melody)Rewind
Members Hayley WilliamsJosh FarroJeremy DavisZac Farro
The B-Sides


Songs DecoyAnother DayOh StarStop This Song (Lovesick Melody)Just Like MeDecode (Acoustic)My HeroStuck on YouHello HelloWhen It Rains (Demo Version)Emergency (Crab Mix)RewindThis CircleAdoreHallelujah (Demo Version)Sunday Bloody SundayI Caught MyselfThrowing PunchesBreathe (Until Tomorrow)Swim In SilenceStay AwayTemporaryTeenagersOh Star (Demo Version)In the Mourning (Demo Version)
Members Hayley WilliamsJosh FarroTaylor YorkJeremy DavisZac Farro
Tour Dates
Paramore-all we know is falling All We KnowPressureEmergencyBrighterHere We Go AgainNever Let This GoWhoaConspiracyFranklinMy HeartOh Star
Riot! (Album) For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty OptimisticThat's What You GetHallelujahMisery BusinessWhen It RainsLet the Flames BeginMiracleCrushcrushcrushWe Are BrokenFencesBorn for ThisTemporaryDecoyStop This Song (Lovesick Melody)RewindMy Hero
Brand New Eyes cover CarefulIgnorancePlaying GodBrick By Boring BrickTurn It OffThe Only ExceptionFeeling SorryLooking UpWhere the Lines OverlapMisguided GhostsDecode
Paramore-self-titled-cover-400x400 Fast In My CarNowGrow UpDaydreamingInterlude: Moving OnAin't It FunPart IILast HopeStill Into YouAnklebitersInterlude: HolidayProofHate to See Your Heart Break(One of Those) Crazy GirlsInterlude: I'm Not Angry AnymoreBe AloneFutureEscape RouteTell Me It's Okay
After Laughter Hard TimesRose-Colored BoyTold You SoForgivenessFake Happy26PoolGrudgesCaught in the MiddleIdle WorshipNo FriendTell Me How
33nb9jrvo1-0 I Caught MyselfMonsterRenegadeHello Cold WorldIn the MourningLandslideSomedayMatildaLong Distance CallDraw the LineFace in DisguiseSweetnessPassionfruitYou Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man)Everywhere
62 petals for armor SimmerPure Love
Farro-artwork CliffsColor RushHomeIslandsSay the WordWalkways
81AzvYN9mbL. SS500 CoastMountainHurricane Love1x1Fire You SetHelicopterAll SidesInside
415G3QckPzL Know The FeelingLeavingMy MindLove You BackIn The SummerTelephoneSudden FeelingAlwaysPicture of You
R-10443174-1497543148-3009.jpeg Scooby's in the BackFrench ClassSomeday
31841871 1939322822806819 8270168603161001984 o FlowerssShe SaidAll That Love IsMy Girl
81d0Lckvr5L. SL1500 Who Could You BeBoogie Juice